Branding Help: Shiny Shoes and Your Appearance

By Debra Wheatman

Does your appearance impact your career? Yes, it makes a difference, not only in an interview but on a daily basis as you are seen by others. From your perfectly styled hair to your shiny new shoes, you are making an impression on others. That impression leads to a brand. Many people are so busy performing their job and trying to get ahead that they don't think about their visual image. That's a career risk that you can't afford to take.

Create a Signature Style
Whether you are in the C-Suite, or you are working your way up the ranks, creating a personal style is good for your brand. Of course, you'll want to remain within the company dress code. Within that code, you have room for a signature look. Maybe your signature look is a bright scarf or French cuffs. Consistently project your personal look that supports your brand and helps you to reach the position to which you aspire.

Be Realistic
Assess yourself honestly and be realistic about what fits your body. Select styles that are cut to flatter your body. Try outfits before you buy. Ask a friend to accompany you if you feel you might have a blind spot in this area. There is nothing worse than a jacket that is too snug or a skirt that is too "young" for the person wearing it. We all know someone like this. If you don't know someone like this in your workplace, maybe that someone is you!

Look at the Complete Package
The complete package includes your clothing, shoes, accessories, hair, makeup, and grooming. Package yourself with purpose. Each aspect should be coordinated, should support your signature style, and should be consistent with the culture of your industry. Even your satchel communicates your brand. Lose the "Hello Kitty" tote or ratty backpack and find a classic professional bag to complement your look. Shoes say a lot about a person's attention to detail. Worn or scuffed shoes project sloppiness. Polished shoes indicate a meticulous and conscientious person.

Do Casual Day the Right Way
A casual day is not a reason to abandon all sense of style and grooming. You want to look as good on a casual day as you do any other day. That means coordinating your clothing and accessories, grooming impeccably, and leaving without a spot, wrinkle, or tear. On a side note, be aware that your brand does not take a break on your days off. Take care with your appearance when you are off work as well.

The Bottom Line
Everything you wear conveys your brand. How you style your hair, the clothes you wear, and how "put together" you are makes an immediate and lasting impression. Design your personal look and create an overall package that supports your brand. Don't underestimate the impact your appearance will have on your career.

About the Author: Debra Wheatman, CPRW, CPCC is the founder and owner of Careers Done Write a professional branding and marketing company. Debra's company provides full-service career consulting and writing services to help clients stand out in a hyper-competitive environment to secure interviews and ultimately offers of full-time employment. She may be reached directly via her site at Follow Debra's social media Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Reprinted with permission courtesy of
Alkar Human Resources