6 Ways to Leave Work at Work

Having trouble unwinding at the end of the day?

Many of us do. Heavy work loads and constant connectivity make it tough to mentally switch gears when the workday is over.

All work + no play = STRESS.

Family time, leisure time and sound sleep are essential -- but you won't get them if your mind is always occupied with work. The result? Fatigue. Anxiety. Inability to "be in the moment."

Leave work at work.

Use these tips to disconnect, recharge and really enjoy your time away from your job:

  1. Clean up.
    Physical and digital clutter competes for your attention, even after you leave work. At the end of the day, put things away. Delete messages. Get organized for tomorrow.

    A clean work space allows you to clear your mind.
  2. Make tomorrow's To-Do list.
    Finish the day with goals and a plan for tomorrow. Get tasks down on paper -- and out of your head.
  3. Create a transition ritual.
    During your commute home, engage in an enjoyable mental activity that separates your mind from work:
    • Listen to your favorite music
    • Play a challenging game on your phone (only if you're not driving, of course!)
    • Call a friend or family member
  4. Visualize decompression.
    If you find unwinding difficult, imagine that you're a spool of thread, literally unraveling from job-related stress:
    • Close your eyes and deliberately slow your breathing
    • Imagine work-related worries attached to the spool
    • Slowly unravel the thread, loosening unwanted thoughts from your brain
  5. Play mind games.
    Still occupied with work problems once home? Distract your brain with a different "problem." Focus your mental energy on a home-, hobby- or family-related challenge.

    When thoughts wander back to work, remind yourself to stay mentally present.
  6. Make personal time a priority.
    Protect and respect your time away from work. If you don't make work-life balance a priority, nobody else will!
Reprinted with permission courtesy of
Alkar Human Resources