Interview Flop? Here's How to Get Past it
Recent research shows that human memory is more like video editing than playback, and that memories are subject to change every time you recall them.
So if you've had a rough interview experience that's undermining your confidence, you can actually re-memorize it to make it less traumatic -- and get your interviewing mojo back:
- Bring the memory to your mind and picture it getting smaller and more faint (playing back on a smartphone that's moving away from you).
- Add details that jumble the memory. For example, turn your interviewer into a cartoon character and transform the meeting room into the inside of a candy store.
- Repeat this process several times and the bad interview simply won't matter as much to you. It might even make you chuckle, because you have literally and physically rewired your brain!
Feeling like your past employment mistakes and interview blunders are hindering your current job search? Give Alkar Human Resources a call.