Cast a Wider Net:
How to Attract More Qualified and Diverse Talent

Increasingly, employers are making diversity a priority. But how can you attract candidates to your company who are qualified for the role and come from varied backgrounds? It begins by turning to sources different from those you have previously relied upon and working to surmount your own implicit bias.

How Can You Hire More Inclusively?

Educate Your Staff

Learn what implicit bias is and how your company can overcome it. Invest in diversity training to identify blind spots. For example, men are often favored over women in filling STEM jobs. Blind submission of resumes can help avoid gender, nationality and racial assumptions; and make a difference as to who becomes a finalist.

Watch Your Language

Scrub job postings of exclusionary verbiage. Scrutinize language to ensure you're not unintentionally implying that a specific gender or race will be more qualified. Instead, use framing that welcomes people of diverse genders or backgrounds.

Leverage Technology

Collect and analyze data on the applicants that come through your ATS. If you know where diverse candidates are coming from, you may have a better idea of how to attract more of them.

Focus on Qualifications

Don't rely excessively on personality in an interview, or you will end up with very similar people. Expand your idea of what professional looks like. Candidates don't have to look like Don Draper.

Be Cautious With Referrals

Referrals can be a valid source of candidates. Unfortunately, they can also contribute to a lack of diversity in your workforce. People tend to associate with and refer people much like themselves, so be sure to use a wide variety of recruiting sources.

Update Your Marketing

Be sure that any imagery you use reflects a diverse workplace. When people apply for jobs, they look at your website and other public-facing materials. If they don't see anyone who looks like them, they will be less likely to apply.

Eliminate Arbitrary Requirements

Don't ask for five years' experience if three years will do. If there is another way to obtain appropriate training and experience, don't eliminate candidates without a degree.

Partner With a Recruiting Firm

Professional staffing and recruiting firms can be a valuable resource in your diversity recruiting strategy.

  • Sourcing and screening are their areas of expertise. They already know how to cast a wide net and which tactics work to attract a variety of candidates.
  • They can present the right candidates. If you are willing to see three finalists, they can ensure you're not presented with a homogeneous group.
  • They can provide blind resumes/profiles. If you'd like, the recruiter can send you resumes with names and any information that could indicate gender, race or nationality redacted.

Contact a staffing and recruiting specialist today. They will be happy to help you achieve your diversity goals.

Reprinted with permission courtesy of
Alkar Human Resources