Newsletter Archive

Top 10 Mistakes HR Managers Make When Working With a Staffing Company

Top 10 Mistakes HR Managers Make When Working With a Staffing Company

Discover the biggest missteps – and how to turn those potential pitfalls into opportunities for stronger partnerships and even better results.
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How To Find Top Talent in a World Without Resumes

How To Find Top Talent in a World Without Resumes

Here’s how to embrace skills-based hiring and find A-players.
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Beating Big Problems Fueled by “The Big Stay”

Beating Big Problems Fueled by “The Big Stay”

The end of the Great Resignation may have reduced turnover rates (hooray!), but it’s also reduced employee engagement, candidate quality and hiring speed.
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Managers Are Cracking. What's the Remedy?

Managers Are Cracking. What's the Remedy?

Enhanced training. Better tech. More robust well-being programs. Why aren't these changes improving managers' performance?
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Worker Misclassification: New Independent Contractor Risks – And Opportunities – For Your Company

Worker Misclassification: New Independent Contractor Risks – And Opportunities – For Your Company

Get the facts about worker misclassification and protect your company.
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Secure Your Seat at the Table: Elevate Your Role in HR

Secure Your Seat at the Table: Elevate Your Role in HR

It’s a great time to be in HR. Ready for the next step in your career journey? Here’s how to elevate your expertise.
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When the Smiles Fade: Helping Teams Manage Tough Emotions

When the Smiles Fade: Helping Teams Manage Tough Emotions

Change. Stress. Uncertainty. They can all lead to heightened emotions at work. Here’s how to help employees deal with them productively – without becoming their personal dumping ground.
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24 Ways to Make 2024 Your Best HR Year Ever

24 Ways to Make 2024 Your Best HR Year Ever

Seize these opportunities to develop forward-thinking policies. Cultivate inclusivity. Drive employee engagement. And adapt successfully to new work models in 2024.
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AI Skills in the Workplace: Bridging the Gap in 2024

AI Skills in the Workplace: Bridging the Gap in 2024

Learn the essential skills employees need for an AI-driven future and top recommendations to stay ahead of the curve.
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Non-Negotiable! Create True Career Paths for Employees in 2024

Non-Negotiable! Create True Career Paths for Employees in 2024

The “Great Resignation” may be over, but research shows that your best and brightest will still jump ship if they don’t have ample opportunities to grow within your organization.
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How to Build a Culture of Pay Transparency

How to Build a Culture of Pay Transparency

2023 has seen a push for greater pay transparency in an effort to eliminate pay inequity in the workforce, improve retention, and more.
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Master Compensation Alchemy: Transform Uncertainty Into HR Success

Master Compensation Alchemy: Transform Uncertainty Into HR Success

With our job market and economy in a seemingly constant state of flux, unlocking these secrets will help you attract and retain talent. Boost morale and engagement. Improve budgeting. And stay compliant. Understand the trends and best practices – and wield your magic.
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Are You Ready for the EEOC's New Enforcement Goals?

Are You Ready for the EEOC's New Enforcement Goals?

The EEOC has set forth 6 new priorities guiding its work through 2027. What are they – and how will they impact your work?
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Reinventing the Suggestion Box

Reinventing the Suggestion Box

Use these tips to reinvent the suggestion box - and get the great ideas your company needs.
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Befriending Bots: Leveraging AI To Maximize Your Value in HR

Befriending Bots: Leveraging AI To Maximize Your Value in HR

Today's AI tools can help you screen candidates, improve the employee experience, elevate your team's performance, and more.
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Better Onboarding, by Numbers: What to Know, What to Measure

Better Onboarding, by Numbers: What to Know, What to Measure

Rolling out the red carpet for a new hire is smart - for the employee, your company and you. Just how smart? Let’s look at the numbers!
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How to Support Employees During Times of Uncertainty

How to Support Employees During Times of Uncertainty

The stress your employees are experiencing does not disappear during the workday...
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Modernizing Onboarding: Build a High-Performance Workforce From Day One

Modernizing Onboarding: Build a High-Performance Workforce From Day One

Onboarding impacts a new hire’s engagement, performance, and longevity. But the rules for success have changed – and in today’s economy, the stakes are higher than ever. This guide shares practical ideas to modernize your onboarding, boost employees’ time-to-productivity and tenure, and ultimately make your job easier!
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Hot HR Trends in 2023: What You NEED to Know

Hot HR Trends in 2023: What You NEED to Know

It may still be winter, but these trends are already heating up HR in 2023!
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From Z to A: Recruit, Retain and Reap the Benefits of a New Generation of Worker

From Z to A: Recruit, Retain and Reap the Benefits of a New Generation of Worker

Make sure you’re doing everything possible to attract, retain and optimize the performance of younger workers. Start here!
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Using Gig Workers? Know the Risks

Using Gig Workers? Know the Risks

Here’s how using gig workers in the wrong ways can cost your company dearly - and what companies can do instead.
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How to Conduct Effective Workforce Plan Gap Analysis Pipelines 

How to Conduct Effective Workforce Plan Gap Analysis Pipelines 

Here are five steps that could help facilitate doing a gap analysis!
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Don't Just Dream It, Build It: HR's Guide to Creating Talent Pipelines

Don't Just Dream It, Build It: HR's Guide to Creating Talent Pipelines

In this issue:
-Don’t Just Dream It, Build It: HR’s Guide to Creating Talent Pipelines
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The 10-Year Talent Crunch?

The 10-Year Talent Crunch?

We're all feeling the effects of a shrinking labor pool and lower labor force participation rate. How long will it last? Where are the biggest challenges – and the bright spots? And how can you ensure you stay fully staffed through it all?
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Beating the Engagement Crisis!

Beating the Engagement Crisis!

Are employees simply "putting in time" – or committed to excellence in their work? Here's how to build an engaged workplace that's happier, more productive and loyal.
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A Day Off Isn't Enough...

A Day Off Isn't Enough...

Protecting employees from overwork takes more than a Band-Aid approach. Here's what works.
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12 Ways to Showcase Culture in Your  Employment Brand

12 Ways to Showcase Culture in Your Employment Brand

You've worked hard to build an amazing culture. Here's how to feature it in your employment brand to attract -- and land -- better talent
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Building a Magnetic Culture: HR's How-to Guide for Recruiting and Retention

Building a Magnetic Culture: HR's How-to Guide for Recruiting and Retention

Culture isn't the sum of your perks. It isn't a plaque on the wall. It isn't a dictate that comes from above. It's about employee alignment, positivity and progress.
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8 Tips for High-Impact Coaching Conversations

8 Tips for High-Impact Coaching Conversations

Have an employee who isn't contributing their fair share? Here's how to address it -- and turn things around.
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8 New Employment Law Trends Shaping 2022

8 New Employment Law Trends Shaping 2022

It's a new year -- with a host of new employment law challenges and changes. From paid sick leave to monitoring software to vaccine mandates, make sure you're staying abreast of these top legal trends impacting the modern workplace.
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It's time for a redo.

It's time for a redo.

Vaccinations. Hybrid workplaces. Legalized marijuana. DE&I. Countless issues have changed the workplace over the past two years…has your handbook kept pace? Here's how to build a modern document that's compliant, comprehensive – and creates a great employee experience.
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What does it take to attract and retain Gen Z?

What does it take to attract and retain Gen Z?

So long, work Ping-Pong table! Here's what it really takes to find and keep our workforce's youngest cohort.
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Team-Building Ideas for Your Hybrid Workplace

Team-Building Ideas for Your Hybrid Workplace

Here are nine team builders that are fun and productive – no matter where employees attend from.
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Can you prevent

Can you prevent "The Great Resignation"?

A November 2020 survey found that as many as one in four US employees plan to leave their current employer as the COVID-19 pandemic wanes. Some industries face more turnover than others, but any company can suffer the effects of losing talent.
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Do these still work?

Do these still work?

Employee recognition and rewards boost engagement, performance, and retention. Here are 10 tips to ensure your employee recognition and rewards program hits the mark.
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Are you seeing signs of burnout in your workplace?

Are you seeing signs of burnout in your workplace?

Seeing signs of stress or burnout in your workplace? Here's how the right staffing partner can increase your team's passion, loyalty, and performance.
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New Strategies To Get the Best From Employees

New Strategies To Get the Best From Employees

Workplace Well-Being: New Strategies To Get the Best From Employees
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The New Key to Hiring Success

The New Key to Hiring Success

Many hiring managers are used to thinking about skills in terms of "hard" versus "soft" skills or "job-specific" versus "transferable" skills. While this means of classifying skills has helped hiring managers for many years, the hard/soft divide is losing its value as a hiring metric in the 21st century.
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How is AI changing recruiting?

How is AI changing recruiting?

In this issue:

The State of AI in Recruiting

5 Hidden Benefits of Using a Remarkable Staffing Company
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Build a Brighter Future for Your Career and Company!

Build a Brighter Future for Your Career and Company!

In this issue:

Post-Pandemic HR: Build a Brighter Future for Your Career and Company
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Are your policies keeping up?

Are your policies keeping up?

Approximately one-third of Americans now live in a state that allows recreational marijuana use. Millions of these Americans also work. While not everyone who lives in a state that allows recreational marijuana use will choose to partake, employers need to be aware of the effects of marijuana use on their work and their workers.
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Which trends will shape HR this year?

Which trends will shape HR this year?

From digital transformation and COVID vaccinations to marijuana laws and performance management, 2020 was a year for the HR record books. Here are the top trends to help you plan for the year ahead.
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New ways to get the best from your employees.

New ways to get the best from your employees.

In this issue:

-Performance Management Reboot: New Ways to Get the Best From Employees in 2021
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Promoting Mental Health in Your Workplace

Promoting Mental Health in Your Workplace

In this issue: -The Silent Struggle: Promoting Mental Health in Your Workplace -Cast a Wider Net: How to Attract More Qualified and Diverse Talent -The New Rules of Recruiting Success
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Is your office safe?

Is your office safe?

In this issue: -Building a Safety Culture -Diversity and Inclusion, by the Numbers
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The rules have changed -- Are you ready?

The rules have changed -- Are you ready?

In this issue: -The New Rules of Recruiting Success
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These are some very timely questions...

These are some very timely questions...

In this issue: -Health and Medical Questions: Can You Ask That? -Roll It Out! How to Develop and Implement Policy Updates -Managing Talent in Uncertain Times
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Reader, we could all use a little guidance.

Reader, we could all use a little guidance.

Unprecedented times call for decisive action. However, that action must be well-planned and thought through rather than knee-jerk reactions to extraordinary circumstances. In this eBook, we will look at ways you can protect your most vital asset while still driving efficiency and managing risk.
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Why are you leaving?

Why are you leaving?

In this issue: -Exit Interview Whys and Hows -Straight Talk About Stereotypes in the Workplace
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We need to know...

We need to know...

In this issue: -Things You NEED to Share With Your Staffing Provider -5 Unwritten Rules for Staying Inspired in HR
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Are you becoming the

Are you becoming the "bad guy"?

In this issue: -Tough Conversations: How to Say What’s Necessary – Without Becoming the "Bad Guy"
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What do your employees really want?

What do your employees really want?

In this issue: -Sweetening the Deal: Most Desired Perks & Benefits for 2020 -10 Must-Ask Questions for Your Employee Culture Survey
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Overtime Pay Rules Have Changed!

Overtime Pay Rules Have Changed!

In this issue:

-Overtime Pay Rules Have Changed: Are You Prepared?

-Don't Play Limbo With Pay Rates
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Why aren't they accepting your offers?

Why aren't they accepting your offers?

In this issue: -[eBook] "You're Hired!" The Art of Getting Job Offers Accepted
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Reader, who's your MVP?

Reader, who's your MVP?

In this issue: -Who's the Real MVP? -The Secret to Getting Promoted in HR
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A must read for anyone who manages and hires people!

A must read for anyone who manages and hires people!

In this issue: -Catapult Your HR Career
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Where can you find

Where can you find "clean" candidates?

In this issue: -"High Times": The Debate About Marijuana Legalization and the U.S. Workforce -Facing Fears: The Key to Ramping up Productivity and Performance -Critical Employment Law Issues in 2019!
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Is the

Is the "H" in HR going away?

In this issue: -Keeping the "H" in HR -Remote Work Sample Policy
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You need these!

You need these!

In this issue: -Best Apps for Busy HR Professionals -Spring Clean Your Life: Cutting Commitments
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Tech in HR: Trends for 2020

Tech in HR: Trends for 2020

AI. VR. NLP. Organizations spend billions investing in new tech for recruitment, training, performance management and more. Where is it all heading? This eBook shares the biggest tech trends that are revolutionizing HR.
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Your new hire checklist

Your new hire checklist

In this issue: -Get Them Off to a Great Start: New Hire Checklist -Staff Can't Concentrate? Eliminate "Attention Residue"
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What makes the biggest impact on your hiring results?

What makes the biggest impact on your hiring results?

Need help building your case internally for better onboarding? These statistics paint a clear picture of why a robust program is essential to recruiting, engagement, satisfaction and performance. Also, few hiring managers realize increasing your hiring speed can have one of the largest impacts on hiring results. Use these tips to hire better, and faster!
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[Free eBook] Give New Hires the VIP Treatment

[Free eBook] Give New Hires the VIP Treatment

This comprehensive guide contains everything you need to get promising new employees off to a great start.
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Stop herding cats!

Stop herding cats!

Superstars not accepting your offers? Here's how to effectively sell your company and opportunities -- and get more high performers to sign on the dotted line. Also, Leo Babauta shares a simple method for managing disorder -- and keeping your sanity.
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It's that time of year again!

It's that time of year again!

Headed into your busy season - or is it already in full swing? Here's how to make smart staffing and hiring decisions to keep departments fully staffed and performing at their peak.
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Are you aware of your bias?

Are you aware of your bias?

Racism. Ageism. Sexism. Intentional or not, biases like these impact whom you hire. Use these tactics to minimize bias in each step of the hiring process and build stronger teams.
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Is it time to break up?

Is it time to break up?

Sometimes, you gotta cut your losses and walk away from a candidate -- even in today's employment market! If you're hiring, look for these signs that a budding employment relationship is already on the rocks.
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Stop Losing New Employees!

Stop Losing New Employees!

With nearly one-third of new hires quitting during the first three months, you need to do everything possible from day one to ensure they get off to a great start. Ready? Let’s do this!
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Would you hire an imperfect employee?

Would you hire an imperfect employee?

Chasing after purple squirrels? Leave that to purple dogs. Here's how to overcome recruiting paralysis and hire great people who will thrive on the job -- even when they're not "perfect."
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Recruit Better Talent: Overhaul Your Employer Brand

Recruit Better Talent: Overhaul Your Employer Brand

Employer branding tools are the most innovative talent acquisition technologies implemented in the past two years -- yet only half of employers leverage them! If you want to attract and retain better talent, grab your digital scrub brush and polish your company rep. This guide shows you how.
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Why your wellness program will fail

Why your wellness program will fail

You devote a ton of time, effort and money to programs that are supposed to keep employees healthy and engaged. Where are all those amazing results? Find out why most initiatives fail -- and how to get more bang for your wellness buck.
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Is a Zero-Tolerance Drug Policy Too Harsh?

Is a Zero-Tolerance Drug Policy Too Harsh?

Increasing legalization of marijuana (both medical and recreational) is prompting employers across the nation to re-examine their policies. While it's never acceptable for an individual to work under the influence, what's the right drug policy for your organization in light of changing legislation? Get the facts here.
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Stay compliant, Reader

Stay compliant, Reader

The reason for prohibiting questions about a candidate's salary history is clear: Closing the gender pay gap. What's less clear? How evolving legislation will impact your hiring process. Here's how to stay compliant -- and still find out what you need to know.
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Are you missing out on top talent?

Are you missing out on top talent?

These days, talent is in the driver's seat. Guess what: They steer toward companies with an amazing culture! Here's how to define, build and flaunt yours -- and get high performers to flock to (and stay with) you.
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HR and Talent Management Trends for 2018

HR and Talent Management Trends for 2018

These trends will shape the future of recruiting and HR itself in the year ahead. Here's what you need to know. Plus, are the holidays and year-end rush leaving you feeling frazzled, overwhelmed or anxious? Turn things around by giving yourself this amazing (and free) gift.
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Are you sick?!

Are you sick?!

Sick employees insisting on coming to work? With flu season approaching, make sure your culture and policies aren't to blame.
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Is it legal?

Is it legal?

Social media laws may not expressly prohibit a LinkedIn recruiting "party" -- yet. But is it prudent to ask employees for candidate prospects in their social networks?
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Help Wanted: Deputy Skunk Manager

Help Wanted: Deputy Skunk Manager

Generic job postings don't work. And gimmicks may grab attention (you're reading this, right?), but they aren't likely to convert. In today's hypercompetitive talent market, here's how to write postings that stand out (in a good way) and make great candidates think, "I HAVE to apply to this one!"
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Is someone watching your emails?

Is someone watching your emails?

There's a fine line between legally monitoring an employee's work emails and invading privacy. Find practical advice and policy guidelines here.
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You Got Slammed on Social Media. Now What?!

You Got Slammed on Social Media. Now What?!

A single disgruntled worker can destroy your company’s reputation. Here’s how to handle an online complainer effectively -- and prevent future problems with a comprehensive social media policy. Also, nobody is great at everything -- but that doesn’t mean you have to live with your weaknesses. Here’s how to transform them into professional assets.
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Aggghhhhh!!! What a nightmare!

Aggghhhhh!!! What a nightmare!

Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction -- especially when it comes to these nightmare job candidates.
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I thought this might be useful...

I thought this might be useful...

Employee handbooks need more than a "quick update"? Use these great ideas to transform it into a living document that's compliant, comprehensive, welcoming -- and (dare we say it) fun to read!
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Would you throw someone in the pool who didn't know how to swim?

Would you throw someone in the pool who didn't know how to swim?

Just show them where their work space is, toss 'em a pen, and send your new hire off to the races. Well it's not that easy. Here's a bunch of great tips to improve your onboarding process. Plus, what would it take to get your life decluttered and organized? You'd be surprised at the difference a few smart rules could make.
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Stay legal

Stay legal

Strict laws and an extremely vigilant EEOC have made the process of protecting your company -- and making great hires -- more complex and risky than ever. Use this list of "dos" and "don'ts" to conduct effective, compliant criminal background checks. Also, Artificial intelligence is undeniably transforming HR. Here's how leading employers are leveraging AI to improve sourcing, screening and selection -- and how to protect your value, so you're not replaced by an algorithm.
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Are you happy, Reader?

Are you happy, Reader?

Or are loyalty, motivation and engagement driven by other factors? Find out what you should be focusing on to get the best from employees. Plus, building a high-functioning team starts with accurately judging each individual's character. Use these 10 tips to hone your abilities.
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401(k) Changes...Use them as a recruiting tool

401(k) Changes...Use them as a recruiting tool

Open enrollment may be over, but you can use your retirement benefits offerings as a year-round recruiting and retention tool. Here's what's new for 2017 -- and how to leverage your offerings to build your employment brand and strengthen your talent magnet.
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Is texting the interview of the future?

Is texting the interview of the future?

Dr. John Sullivan explains why that little smartphone in your hand is the next big thing in interviewing. Skeptical? Then read this.
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Your end of the year compliance to-do list

Your end of the year compliance to-do list

2017 is just a few weeks away! Use this handy checklist to wrap up 2016 to-dos and prepare for a Happy -- and compliant -- New Year. The U.S. gender wage gap may be narrower than ever, but it's still over DOUBLE the size of other industrialized nations'.
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Your employees feel left out!

Your employees feel left out!

Do your recognition efforts make all employees feel valued -- or left out and stressed out? Improve your results by learning from these mistakes. Plus we'll share 8 tips for excelling in HR.
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There's a goldmine of talent waiting for you!

There's a goldmine of talent waiting for you!

This month we share a practical guide to "strike a talent goldmine" -- by overhauling your employee referral program. Also, self-talk has an incredibly powerful influence on your ability to change your behavior. So if you want to build better habits, start by telling yourself a good story.
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What "counts" as sexual harassment?

Sexual harassment is painfully common, but it can be hard to stop, especially if victims are afraid to report it. Know the law and learn the best ways to spot, stop and ultimately prevent this type of workplace discrimination. Plus, use our step-by-step guide to get paid what you’re truly worth.
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Reader, are you afraid of ghosts?

Reader, are you afraid of ghosts?

Social recruiting is undeniably important, but it's not your only option (especially in a tight candidate market). Use the handy how-to chart in this month's newsletter to recruit "social ghosts" -- talented people who aren't addicted to their phones. And,if you've experienced a recent setback or failure on the job, here's how to turn it around.
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Don't Let Your Boss Read This One...

Don't Let Your Boss Read This One...

Could that employee you recently reprimanded or terminated be seeking revenge by claiming discrimination? Here's how to recognize -- and reduce -- your risk for retaliation claims. Plus, Productivity Pro Laura Stack shares seven tips for sneaking away from the office a little earlier (and making a little more time for summer fun!).
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Parental Leave: What you need to know now!

Parental Leave: What you need to know now!

The push is on for paid parental leave. Find out what's on the horizon, and how the right leave policy can help you attract and retain great employees. And, tips to make every moment of your day count--by working smarter.
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Your employees are getting ready to check out!

Your employees are getting ready to check out!

The summer "brain drain" is coming! Is your workplace ready?
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I bet these candidates didn't get the job!

I bet these candidates didn't get the job!

In this month's issue check out the "chart-topping" quotes from actual resumes (needless to say, these candidates did NOT get the job!). Plus, how to face your fear and advance your career!
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OSHA's new

OSHA's new "impactful" inspections - Are you prepared?

The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration is shifting from a "quantity" to a "quality" approach this year -- which means increased scrutiny and more complex inspections (yikes!). Here's what every smart HR pro should do to prepare for OSHA's newer, more "impactful" inspections. And, we'll look at what causes dysfunctional thinking at work -- and how to kick it to the curb!
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Important ACA information!

Important ACA information!

It takes three licks to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop. If only counting your employees was that simple! New ACA definitions and NLRB joint employer standards can make determining headcount feel like a real guessing game. Get the facts. Know your numbers. And stay compliant.
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Does your team hate you?

Does your team hate you?

In this issue we'll discuss the power of the anonymous employee survey. It can give you a true understanding of how your team feels about you. And, a two-step process to simplify, let go and feel better about yourself at day's end.
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Are candidates red-flagging you?

Are candidates red-flagging you?

In today's tight talent market, you can't afford to rule out an otherwise promising candidate for the wrong reason. Follow the guide in this month's Strategies for Success to make the right decision. Plus what happens when candidates red flag you?!
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Same-Sex Marriage is Here. Is Your HR Dept Ready?

Same-Sex Marriage is Here. Is Your HR Dept Ready?

It's official: Same-sex couples must receive the same legal treatment as opposite-sex couples. From benefits offerings to HR policy, find out the implications for your business. And, Dr. Lloyd Thomas shares practical strategies for responding more productively to negativity.
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Reader, is your busy season right around the corner?

Reader, is your busy season right around the corner?

Dreading your busy season? Your company relies on you to find the right help -- with the right skills -- right when you need them. Start planning now. This handy guide contains all the tips and tricks you need to get it right (and keep your sanity!). And, productivity expert Laura Stack shares small changes you can make to be a lot happier (and more productive) in your job.
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Do you know the secret to attracting high performers?

Do you know the secret to attracting high performers?

How can you win the war for talent? Use the right "ammo" to neutralize the competition and get high performers to accept your offer. Of course, that starts with knowing what top talent really wants.
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Can you handle the truth?

Can you handle the truth?

Sometimes the truth is tough to handle. But if you want to succeed in HR, you have to learn to deal with the truth. In this month's featured article we'll show you how to get the honest feedback you need to truly improve your performance and move ahead. Plus we'll share simple meditation techniques to clear your head and relax your body.
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Nobody's Going to Apply to THAT Job

Nobody's Going to Apply to THAT Job

In this issue:

-Nobody's Going to Apply to THAT Job

-The Goldilocks Effect

-Simplify Your Life: Fed up with a Problem Employee?
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Hurry up!

Hurry up!

In this issue:

-The Need for Speed

-Help Wanted (Everywhere)

-Simplify Your Life: Why Can't I Get Going in the Morning?

-Give Us Your 2 Cents
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Reader, are you prepared?

Reader, are you prepared?

In this issue:

-Don't Get Left in the Lurch

-Technology Time-Suck

-Simplify Your Life: "I Don't Have a Tech Addiction"
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The 7 Deadliest Hiring Mistakes

The 7 Deadliest Hiring Mistakes

In this issue:

The 7 Deadliest Hiring Mistakes -- and How to Avoid Them

Should You Grab that Cuppa?
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What's keeping you up at night?

What's keeping you up at night?

In this issue:

What Keeps You Up at Night?

Simplify Your Life: Curing "Hurry Sickness"

Big OSHA Changes for 2015
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Is your company ready for a big knowledge loss?

Is your company ready for a big knowledge loss?

In this issue:

Losing It: How HR can prevent knowledge loss

Simplify Your Life: Hacks to Organize Your Small Space
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Mental health issues in the workplace

Mental health issues in the workplace

In this issue:

"Good Cheer" - or the "Holiday Blues"?

Quick. Delicious. Portable. Healthy. 8 breakfast ideas to start your day in a great frame of mind.

Who Defines Success? You Do!
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How to land high performers

How to land high performers

In this issue:

Land Your First Choice -- Without Breaking the Bank!

The Gender Pay Gap

Slideshow: The 1-2-3s of Getting Your Zzzzzs
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Hiring Changes You NEED To Make

Hiring Changes You NEED To Make

In this issue:

Candidate LOVE

25 Ways Your HR Department is Quietly Killing Its Credibility

Leave Work at Work!
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Are performance reviews dead?

Are performance reviews dead?

In this issue:

-Are Performance Reviews Dead?

-More Companies are Cutting HR -- and it's a bad idea

-What's Hot in Workforce Management?
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Guide to effective interviewing

Guide to effective interviewing

In this issue:

-Feature eBook: Better Interviews. Better Hires.

-Simplify Your Life: Everything Zen: Feng Shui for Your Workplace

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We could really use your input, Reader

We could really use your input, Reader

In this issue:

Hiring Challenges Survey

Mobile HR Technology

10 Best Tech Apps for the Busy HR Professional

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They know all about you, Reader

They know all about you, Reader

In this issue:

-Feature Article: They Can See Right Through You

-HR Blog Watch: It's About Skills, Not Jobs

-Do Employee Reviews Really Matter?

-Simplify Your Life: Learn When to Say "No!

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Reader, stop the drama!

Reader, stop the drama!

In this issue:

-Above the Influence

-HR Blog Watch: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

-2014 Employer Internship Trends

-Simplify Your Life: Hiring Summer Interns? Proceed with Caution
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Work Piling Up?

Work Piling Up?

In this issue:

In a Sticky Situation?

Know Your KSAs

Bottlenecks are Bad for Business

Waging War (against germs, that is)
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Crisis Communication for HR

Crisis Communication for HR

In this issue:

When the Worst Happens: Employee Crisis Communication for HR

Employee Crisis Communication Checklist

HR Survey

Simplify Your Life: Reclaim Your Day
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Why did we hire this guy?

Why did we hire this guy?

In this issue:

-Hire People Who Can't Do the Job (Yet)

-HR Blog Watch: The Kiss of Death in HR

-What Makes Your Employees Happiest?

-Simplify Your Life: 25 Ways to Make Your Job Easier

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Do you have an anti-harassment policy?

Do you have an anti-harassment policy?

In this issue:

-Hey--No Need to Get Hostile

-Move It!
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Employee paperwork -- what's legal

Employee paperwork -- what's legal

In this issue:

-Are You Wearing Your Kevlar?

-Well, This Shouldn't Surprise You...

-Simplify Your Life: Don't Want to Be Another Statistic?

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Is your screening process legal?

Is your screening process legal?

In this issue:

-Background Checks: Stay Legal, Hire Smart

-Simplify Your Life: Simplify the Holidays--Starting Today!
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Inside: The Key to Better Temps!

Inside: The Key to Better Temps!

In this issue:

-Your Workforce Dictionary: Understand the terms for better temporaries

-HR Blog Watch: Optimism's Role in Employee Motivation

-Simplify Your Life: Laugh Your Way to Organizational Health

-Infographic: What Happens When You Laugh?
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Are you killing your employee's...productivity?

Are you killing your employee's...productivity?

In this issue:

-Are You a "Driver" or a "Killer"?

-HR Blog Watch: Four Simple Rules for Building Your HR "Cred"

-Personal Sites -- A Real Productivity Killer!

-Is this Disease Holding You Back?
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Ask the right questions to find the right employee

Ask the right questions to find the right employee

In this issue:

-High-Impact Interview Questions

-Where Did You Receive Your Education?

-Simplify Your Life: Feeling Overworked? Here's What to Do About It
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Welcome to 60 Second Solutions from Alkar Human Resources

Welcome to 60 Second Solutions from Alkar Human Resources

In this issue:

-Rules of Engagement - #1: Make it Fun!

-HR Blog Watch: Take Off Your Mask! A Surprising Way To Really Impress Others As An HR Professional...

-Infographic: Why Are Employees Heading Out Your Door?
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